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5 Days to enjoy genuine African hospitality


Five Days for Business & to Experience Real African Hospitality

Activities to mark Africa Celebrates 2024 will run for 5 consecutive days. The event welcomes the participation of all African countries and Africans in the diaspora. They will have the opportunity of doing business and enjoying African diversified culture. Participating countries will also use this period to market their touristic and business opportunities while exhibiting products made in their countries.


The 2024 Theme

In line with the African Union theme of the year 2024, the theme of Africa Celebrates 2024 is Educate an African fit for the 21st century: Building resilient awareness systems through African Arts, Culture, Heritage, Technology and Business for the integration and prosperity of Africans.



  1. To celebrate Africa’s unity in diversity by encouraging economic, social and  political integration of Africa through promoting intra-Africa’s rich art, culture, heritage, trade, investment, science and technology transfers which can be explored as a catalyst  for  realizing  a  prosperous  Africa.
  2. To encourage Africans and the rest of the world to patronize made in Africa by eating African food, wearing African clothes, watching African films, appreciating African arts, crafts, music, dance and other African products and services.
  3. And to promote intra and inter African trade, investment and tourism with the goal of supporting and empowering women  and  youths  in  creating  wealth.

For Our Guests:

We are anxiously waiting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to welcome you to the real African hospitality at Africa Celebrates 2023. It will be a special experience from the moment you get off the plane. It will all be magical and memorable encounters every day for all our August guests.


For all Participating African Countries:

You will be expected to put your best foot forward by using the Africa Celebrates platform to showcase your well-known entertainers, innovators, fashion designers, chefs, artists, films and entrepreneurs to the global audience while doing business in the process. It will also give you the platform to market your touristic and business opportunities while exhibiting products made in your countries


For Africans in the Diaspora:

This is a welcome back home call for business and pleasure for our brothers and sisters outside Africa. Africa Celebrates gives you the opportunity to connect back to your roots. While experiencing our rich and diversified cultures, it will at the same time give you the platform to explore various business opportunities with business players who will be attending the business forums from across Africa. Heed the call back to the motherland.


Those Who Should Participate:

All African Union member states: African Embassies in Addis Ababa, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Art, Culture, Tourism, Trade, Investment, Infrastructure, Innovation & Technology, Film commissions or corporations, Tourism Boards, Copyright Commissions, Export Promotion Councils/Commissions, Chambers of Commerce & Industry, International Organizations, Continental & International Development Partners, RECs, Chefs, Dance Troupes, Music Artists, Music Producers/Directors, Actors, streaming platforms, Painters, Young Innovators, Captains of Industry, Fashion designers and entrepreneurs, SMEs, Tourists, African and International business people etc

Past Participation

Africa Celebrates 2021, 2022 and 2023 had the participation of 18, 32 and 38 African countries respectively. In addition, 11 non African countries participated in 2023. More countries have expressed interest to participate in the 2024 edition